Before you go to Schmuhl School, read Chapter 1-4 in Mr. Popper’s Penguins.
Discuss what makes a narrative story. Mr. Popper’s Penguins is a narrative because it describes the events caused by the arrival of Captain Cook. It is told in third person. You can also tell a story by third person. Have students decide what type of view they want to use to write a narrative story. Students will describe Captain Cook’s journey from Antarctica to Stillwater. Use the following questions as a guide.
- What is Captain Cook’s mode of transportation?
- How long does his journey take?
- How does he feel on the different parts of his journey?
- Are there any problems on the trip?
Recitation bench – Students will read the last few pages of chapter 4. Teacher will evaluate fluency.
Seatwork - The students will begin writing the narrative story.